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Buzzword. Authentic Learning Experience. Buzzword, buzzword. Wow, yay, such good teaching. "Authenticity" is one of those words you can throw around, without needing to actually mean anything by it, and all the education pros will be impressed. But what if the word actually meant something? What if it was meant something like, "Learning that is so real and relevant that students will never again ask why they have to do this"? There are plenty of reasons a project or learning experience could be authentic. Authenticity usually comes in a few different forms. They are best used together, but having 1 out of 3 is better than having none.


Content, topic is relevant to student, school, and/or community


Simulates what professionals do


Producing something that will actually be used

A note on Community Partners
Partnering with a person, organization, or company from your community can make implementing any of these ideas much easier. Is there a local organization doing research you can use? A company that can teach your students their process? A group that needs something your students can design or produce?